mission statement

Our vision – Enabling education

Our mission – sustainable impact

We want to support people in rural regions at eye level.

We form a partnership with the Gambian company of the same name based on very similar statutes. We focus on regenerative agriculture and the development of farm businesses (compound businesses)

The aim of the two TeSito companies is to significantly reduce poverty among the rural population, and in particular to improve the living and working conditions of women, the qualifications of young adults and the associated development of the communities.

We offer people future-proof training with practical and real-life skills.  With the support and encouragement of friends, especially from Germany, we promote the modernization and development of cooperatives and small businesses or farm businesses (compound business) and (in the future) intra-African trade in products and services from The Gambia.

In The Gambia, we want to create what we call a “breathing blueprint” across national borders for the development of skilled professions and job creation around sustainable, climate-resilient organic agriculture, crafts and services.

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Our values – serve, encourage and look ahead


People are unreasonable, irrational and selfish.  forgive these people anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of having selfish ulterior motives, but do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.

Honesty and openness make you vulnerable, but still be honest and open.

The good you have done today will be forgotten tomorrow, but do good anyway.

What you have spent years building may be destroyed overnight, but keep building anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous, but be happy anyway.

People pity the losers, but they only follow the winners, so fight for some of the losers anyway.

People really need help, but they may attack you if you help them, so help them anyway.

Give the world the best you’ve got and you’ll get a kick in return. Give the world the best anyway.

Ultimately, then, everything is between you and God, andit was never a matter between you and others anyway.

